Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Year 2008

I still can say Happy New Year. Can....?

We spend a night a nerdrazor's house for countdown celebration 2008! It was fun, though we are kinda doing our own things at some time. Last year (2007) countdown was horrible as it was raining really heavily. So here are the pictures.

Facilities are fully utilized.

I think almost every is doing their own stuff almost all the time! nerdrazor, robert and swing were busying playing with um... I think 12 cats? And after that, they went for PS2. I was playing Audition online for a while and went photo shooting for my toys and games and also lastly, playing Taiko on PS2. Lance was busying playing with the PS2 and DS. ngumbang was playing audition all the time! From 7pm till 3am! But still, he still plays some PS2. Mika was busying doing something on his own PC and played some PSP and PS2.

Chefs at work!

I can has some wedges?


Does this look like a dinner to you?

We cooked for ourself. So what's the menu? Wedges, french fries, vege lasagna, fish stick, mushroom soup and bread. Not to forget ketupat and satays by nerdrazor's mom! Yummy! Sorry no pictures taken for the food! Too hungry until forgot to take. Haha.

I PWN3d j00.

Boo to New Year 2008.

Since it's raining heavily so I guess the countdown was kinda failure. Every was so hooked to their own doing until I went to tell them it's almost 2008. I slept at 5am and woke up at 9am. What do we have for our breakfast? Wedges, carrots and ketupat!

That's all for now. Happy New Year 2008 to all of you guys. Thanks for reading and see you again. Hope to this great happenings for 2008!