It was 10 in the morning and we went to our room to set up our club's booth. Our club, Anime and Manga Society (SAMS) Club had been set up in about an hour. We didn't actually knew about our club is going to be a booth that the new intake student will use as their treasure hunt. Until our president told us, and gave us a surprise.
Bowling Club Booth

On the other side, we have bowling club there. Their mission, you have two chance to strike all the pin down. No? It's time for punishment!
All right, people are here and they want the answer fast! Not in our SAMS Club! If you want the answer, the new intakes student are going to do it our way, which is dance Hare Hare Yukai shown on the laptop.

The last 2 groups dance!

There are few group who came in and dance. Some were real shy and some wasn't dancing at all! Nonetheless, I picked the last dance which is a form of 2 groups because they are running out of time. The last 2 groups were a bomb! The front students did real very on their 1st try. Oh... Ian (black long hair) and me were forced to dance along. It was fun!
Our best fresh Hare Hare Yukai Dancer! (Middle)

Video is at low quality level. Finally, it ended. We were all having a good laugh and time together. It's time to keep our stuff up! Luckily I just brought a SD Gundam. Shoop. Done! The student council provided us some food and nobody wanted. So it's mine!
The lack of Haado Gei in your club's booth disturbs me.
lol, what the heck. XD
you willingly to act as 1 for us? XD
we could pay you... lowly :P
Hey... i see me n my frens in those photos!! hehe.. see ya guys on friday... =p
lol, sure thing! see you then! ^^
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