Friday, June 29, 2007

My One Gaming Wish

Hmm... what my one gaming wish would be?

A tag post from Reveur.

What I really wish for would be building a game, could be a RPG based game, Music based game or even a platform based game under a big gaming company, such as the Nintendo Company, Square Enix, Capcom, Sega and others. A game I wanted to create that people admire and make Malaysia proud and realize that gaming industry is also quite important in a country.

Nintendo Japan Building.

With this money I had, I would go for all the thing I ever wanted during childhood. Gaming is a way to express your imagination in a animation where people can enjoy your creation. One of my most respected and wanted to meet game development, Shigeru Miyamoto, the father of Mario and Link. Thank you for building such some wonderful games!

Shigeru Miyamoto as Link.

Shigeru Miyamoto showing Super Mario 64 DS

Those who read this, everyone does play games. Do you have a gaming wish? Now, I'm taking the opportunity to tag Phoenix_Cypher_K1, SK, Penman, Dyna and anyone else that is reading this, okay, that covers everybody. Don't forget to link back to the person who tagged you in the first place.

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